Today is Friday January 31, 2025
Sabino Vista Townhouse is an exceptional place to call home and on behalf of our Board of Directors, welcome to your Sabino Vista Townhouse Community website.
All of us associated with the Board, and we know we are not alone, love Tucson and the wondrous nature which surrounds it and our community. Those details were key as we designed the website to provide you with helpful information to assist you as best as possible to enjoy our community.
2025 brings a few changes to the HOA Board: Joanna stepped down as President and we are grateful to her for the great job she did tackling all the changes 2024 required. Marco also stepped down, and we likewise thank him for his contributions. Most important, Tim has accepted the role of President and after a great finish to the Wolverine season, we expect he will continue the Michigan tradition of going all out!
The board continues to be focused on making our community better, planning for our future by tackling new challenges and fostering an environment of neighborly friendship.
What’s Happening
Happy New Year 2025!
1) PIZZA BY THE POOL Saturday February 1
That’s what it says!!!
Social Committee pizza day (bring your own to share)
Do you know the signs of a gas leak? Southwest Gas has shared with us some great tips.
Please take a moment to look at the updated Community Insurance Documents. It’s information you should be familiar with and may impact your homeowner’s insurance.
4) REMINDER: 2025 Assessments
The 2025 annual assessment rate is set to $3,156.00 yearly per member, applicable to all homeowner lots, and will be billed monthly at $263.00 starting January 1, 2025 (will appear by January 9 for direct billing).
2024 brought a metric TON, that’s about 2,200 pounds of changes to our community. What’s 2,200 pounds? Less than what I wanted to gain from Holiday eating, but seriously it’s about 2,000Kilos (see what I did there, I answered a question with the question – can you name the First Felon who does that daily?):
→ First of two Architectural Compliance Reviews complete
→ Cleaning the Ramada
→ Redoing the Ramada (Curtains and Library)
→ Creating a Walking Trail
→ Mapping the Irrigation System
→ Mistletoe Pruning
→ Hedges trimmed by South mailbox
→ Pool room clean-up
→ Accounting of electrical expenditure started
→ Pool chair restringing (Game of Thrones like)
→ Pool tile cleaning
→ This website
→ This website (we like it so much; we counted it twice!)
Much of this activity has been driven by our residents and committee chairs (and our ROCKING and ROLLING Social Committee!) and we wanted to send them LAURELS for making Sabino Vista Townhouses the best place to live in Tucson!

If you’d like to contribute to Our Gallery, please send a “jpg or jpeg” file to
Bel Garcia is our Copper Rose Association Manager and may be reached at (520)-888-0474 or via email:
Because our articles are much like a treasure, worth burying (archives page)!
Share Your Thoughts
Remember to share your thoughts with us. Good, bad, undecided, partially committed, rather complaisant or just bewildered. We want them all!